say life is a journey. A dream basically gives us an ambition as the journey’s
goal, and a role model as its companion. With dreaming – crazier the better –
life will be a fun learning journey. Without dreaming, it will be a picnic
nowhere, alone, with nothing to eat.
were my childhood dreams? Here is my first set: Bruce Lee, the Kung Fu Master, Neil
Armstrong – the first guy of the moon, Carl Lewis - the Olympics gold medalist,
and the one and the only Pele. I wanted to be just like them. A Kung Fu master
who flies to the moon, wins Olympics medals, and plays professional football
big time!
Well, what is great about my dreams is that I have achieved none of them. Then, was it worth dreaming? Was it worth having those dreams? You bet. Let me elaborate.
Well, what is great about my dreams is that I have achieved none of them. Then, was it worth dreaming? Was it worth having those dreams? You bet. Let me elaborate.
To be a Kung Fu master …
… was one of my first first dreams, and
Bruce Lee was my first idol. I grew up at a time when there was a craze about
Kung Fu and Karate. I was no exception to that craze. I frequently slipped out of the boarding school, without permission, to
watch Kung Fu movies. I was always caught and always reprimanded. The craze went on through my university days in Italy. I
enrolled in a martial art club – under an Italian master who spent some time in
Shaolin. I earned a blue belt – the third grade. I was good. But, after three years, I was
injured in a tournament. I
slipped, crushed on the floor, and hurt my shoulder, during a warm-up session
preceding a fight. That put an unceremonious end to my martial art career, and
an end to my Kung Fu master ambition.

Was it worth then? In every sense, yes! I learned that the experience one gains working towards a goal is as valuable as achieving the goal itself.
life as a Kung Fu student was memorable – my muscular body and well-defined abs
never failed to impress others. But, I got something more precious
than the ability to attract or impress other people. Kung Fu is about discipline, and taught me humility.
It is about finding and respecting your guru – your mentor, for one’s life. Above
all, the most precious lesson came in the form of rock-solid sense of self-confidence.
I didn’t make it to be a Kung Fu master. But, I learned to value discipline, humility, respect, and the power of confidence in myself.
That man could land on
the Moon …
fascinated me as a child. It was in the late Seventies and I was in Don Bosco Technical School back then. Every Tuesday, the day my class was
allowed access to the library, I would hit the same big book with photographs
of the Moon landing, and glance over the same pictures over and over again. Neil Armstrong became
my childhood hero for being the first human to set foot on the Moon. I dreamed
of becoming a pilot, and an astronaut, and flying to the Moon one day.
finishing my school I went to Druk Air that had just opened for business with
two Doniers 228 aircrafts. But I was not selected in the interview. That put an abrupt end to my dream of
being a pilot. But I still have a dream to fly. Very recently a friend of
mine gifted me a trip to the flight simulator in Bangkok. I made two safe
landings and take off from Bangkok Airport and one out of Kathmandu – on a Boeing
737. The flight instructor told me that I was good. Some day I intend to fly a real aeroplane. That has been one of the things in my bucket list.
to my failed childhood dream, I learnt a few things on the way, which became my
trademark. Although I never met
Neil Armstrong, he taught me three important lessons: That everything was possible; that if you stretch your mind to get
somewhere, you will get there some day; and that if you dare to venture into
the unknown, chances are that you will be the first to get there.

did not get to the Moon, but for sure I feel that I got somewhere halfway.
dream of an Olympic medal …
gave me the biggest upset and perhaps the greatest lesson of my life. I was in my second year in Deothang
Polytechnic studying electrical engineering when American sprinter, Carl Lewis, won 4 gold medals in the 1984 Summer Olympics. It was also the year Bhutan participated in the Olympics for
the very first time. Being in the border town of Deothang we could catch Doordarshan that was beaming black & white signal of the Olympics. I watch with awe as Carl Lewis
became the fastest man by winning the 100m race. He also won 200m, 4*100m relay, and
the long jump.
Lewis became my hero, and I decided to emulate him. I knew I could run as fast.
I worked hard for a year
and when the 1985 Annual Sports Day came (by then I was in the final year), I became a surprise favourite to win the
100m. On the first two days, I not only won the 400m and 200m, but also clocked
13 seconds, barefoot, during the 100m semi-finals making me a sure winner. My
biggest threat was from someone called Sagar Dhital, a school champ in his St.
Augustine Kalimpong days. We often practiced together. Sometimes I won, but
most of the time he did.

was devastated. If I had just concentrated on my race instead of turning to
check on Sagar, I would have been the best sportsman of 1985, and equaled Carl
Lewis’s feat – at least in Deothang. That upset was also the greatest lesson of
my life, which I carry to this day:
Believe in yourself. Mind your own race. Never compare yourself to those behind you, but go after someone better than you! And if you lose, don’t look for excuses.
be continued..)
ReplyDeleteYou have the talent to weave words and distill wisdom out of ordinary events!
ReplyDeleteYou have the talent to weave words and distill wisdom out of ordinary events.