The humiliating defeat of our
national football team in Qatar might have dampened the spirit of many football
enthusiasts in the country. A 15-goal loss was unexpected because we thought that
we had reached a different level with our qualification to this round.

The political elections of 2008
and 2013 have divided this country along strong party lines. That’s the price
of democracy, one would guess. Now, this division is in addition to
professional egos, personal likes and dislikes and familial relations and animosity
that have been around. So anything to bring or keep the nation together should
be encouraged, supported and promoted to the fullest.
The national solidarity we see
around our football team came by as an accident and not by any kind of design.
That makes it even more special while at the same time calling for some positive
reinforcements. The fact of the matter is we cannot expect it to bloom into
something really significant unless we invest in it. Just as it appeared from
nowhere, it might also disappear in a similar fashion. Hence we should celebrate
this coming together as a nation through football, nurture it and let it grow
so that it take us all to new heights. I have always said that we don't lack resources; we lack resourcefulness. That is holding us back from becoming a great
The dragon boys are young and so
they have a long career ahead of them. Unlike an average Bhutanese these boys have strong determination, commitment and sense of purpose. Every match that they have lost since winning over Sri Lanka they have gone down fighting till the last. If we invest in them not only our
football standards will reach the next level, we would have found another way
to keep this country bonded.