Sunday, July 20, 2014

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is actually not a valley as such but a small area in South San Francisco Bay created by Stanford University around its campus. The Valley registered an annual GDP of $200 billion in 2013, which would be the combined GDPs of the poorest 45 countries in the World.

What is interesting, and also inspiring, is that this bustling area of ideas, innovations and iPhones was a vision of one simple man - Frederick Terman who was the dean of engineering at Stanford in the 1950s. All the super dot com companies, except for Microsoft (Seattle), IBM (New Jersey) and Compaq (Texas), are here.  

The Southern Bay of San Francisco is the location of Silicon Valley 

Driving down the Silicon Valley from Oakland, California

Crossing the Bay to Palo Alto from Fremont. (Try spotting San Francisco in the picture)

No caption required for whose office is this

The nouveau riche, who are mostly in their youth, are on spending spree buying fancy cars and properties 
in the Bay Area. Prices in San Francisco have shot up beyond the reach for ordinary people

A majestic road and palm trees welcome you as you enter Stanford

The Oval lawn in front of the East entrance of Stanford. This is how they receive you

Stanford University - The iconic Hoover Tower and other buildings displaying Spanish architecture 

Pedestrian crossings are respected unlike in Asia where zebra-crossing is waste of paint

They also conduct classes under the tree. So I am not alone doing that 

David (to my immediate left) left a prestigious teaching position in Stanford to start a 
self-financed NGO to help children with learning difficulties. 

Driving back to San Francisco on Freeway No. 1, rated as the most beautiful freeway in the US

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