San Francisco, CA -
America is a big country. There is no "one" single America that you can decide to love or to hate. America is too complex to be generalised or over-simplified. Whatever you say about this nation, the opposite is also equally true.
America is a big country. There is no "one" single America that you can decide to love or to hate. America is too complex to be generalised or over-simplified. Whatever you say about this nation, the opposite is also equally true.
One thing is certain though: you shouldn't believe how Hollywood or the media portrays this country. Other than that you explore this diverse and fascinating places on your own.
This is what I found out (of America that I didn't know).
Few things I personally don't like about America - Coca Cola and McDonalds. As a coffee addict, I forgive Starbucks (sorry for this bias) |
Americans give back a lot to their alma mater. Almost everything you see in Berkeley campus are donated by the alumni. (Sathier Gate by Mr. Peder Sathier) |
The Godfather's original table. Seeing it for real after, I don't know how many times I saw in the movie, was a nice feeling |
The closest that I can get to the Oscars. With the five Academy Awards that Francis won. |
Walk in the Cloud. Francis Coppola's Winery in Napa, California inspired me to consider retiring as a farmer when I am done with my "working" life. |
UC Berkeley has raised more money in one campaign than what Bhutan has as its national foreign currency reserve. This something we Bhutanese can learn from the Americans |
The Americans respect their heroes in every small way. What do we do with ours (Druk Thukseys)? We forget them or, often, squander them |
Awesome sir~